

We meet the boy as he is,

without judgment. We seek to form

a relationship with him as he is now

and learn about his world. We see his beauty and his wounds and make room

for both in our heart. While we are interested in where he might need to be and

what he has the potential to become, our primary focus is on accepting him

just as he is now.

We meet them where they are,

Without judgment. We seek to form a relationship with them as they are now and learn about their world. We see Their beauty and their wounds and make room for both in our heart. While we are interested in where they might need to be and what they have the potential to become, our primary focus is on accepting them just as they are now.

Given the extraordinary far-right takeover the country seems to be undergoing, current talk of “British” X or Y or Z (“values” or “decency” or “culture”) usually marks one end of a chain, at the other end of which someone is being shunned in a playground, spat at in a supermarket, or worse

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